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Machinist vs FactoryGirl - pros and cons

I'm working with factory_girl, but looking at the machinist gem. Could you tell me please - what are the pros and cons of migrating to machinist? Have you compared those libs?

Machinist was actually heavily inspired by factory_girl , but varied because machinist's author wanted a different syntax. Since then, factory_girl added different syntax layers to simulate other factory libraries (including machinist's "blueprint" syntax). In other words, both are extremely similar, just with a different default syntax. Personally, I use factory_girl.

Actually, Machinist has a big advantage over Factory Girl: it doesn't hit the DB for associated objects. Look here:

Machinist vs Factory Girl: Machinist win!

Still not sure about how Machinist handles this, but anyhow it could be a huge performance boost for your test base.


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