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Python path in environment

I want to call a python script from batch script, but I dont want to hard-code path to python executable (python.exe) in my calling script.


c:\python26\python.exe test.py

$PYTHONPATH\python.exe test.py

Is there any way to have PYTHONPATH like setting ?

The simplest thing is to add c:\\python26 to you system's PATH.

Also, depending on how you installed Python, you should be able to just use test.py on the command line.

set PYTHON_INSTALL=D:\python26


%PYTHON_INSTALL%\python.exe test.py

You could set up the PYTHON_INSTALL var using My Computer | Advanced | Environment Variables if you want it to persist.

EDIT: And building on the other post (put the path to Python in the system path), you could have the best of both worlds:


Then you can just call:

python test.py


Renamed 'PYTHONPATH' to 'PYTHON_INSTALL' as another poster pointed out that the environment variable 'PYTHONPATH' already has a defined use.


set PYTHONPATH=c:\python26
%PYTHONPATH%\python.exe test.py


set PATH=%PATH%;C:\python26;
python test.py

Note : environment variable PYTHONPATH has different purpose for searching python modules/extensions, So should not be shadowed.

PYTHONPATH   : ';'-separated list of directories prefixed to the
               default module search path.  The result is sys.path.

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