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How to write an XML Schema for which this XML document is a valid instance?

<Unit Number="1">
 <Identifier Type="ABC" Text="STO0001"/>
 <Identifier Type="DEF" Text="Some Value"/>
 <Identifier Type="GHI" Text="20070805"/>
 <Disposition Unit="Accept"/>

I need to validate that Type="DEF" Text="Some Value" is not empty

Something Like:

<xs:complexType name="requiredValue" abstract="true"/>

<xs:complexType name="Identifier">
        <xs:extension base="requiredValue">
            <xs:attribute name="Type" use="required" fixed="DEF"/>
            <xs:attribute name="Text" type="NonEmptyString"/>

This is not exactly what you are after, but it might help you to do the bulk of the schema.

This allows you to upload a xml file and it will create a xsd schema or a DTD.


This does the same sort of thing.


Pavel mentioned Schematron. To help construct these schemas you might like to use pyang.


Using the xsd:minLength restriction:

<xsd:attribute name="Type">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:minLength value="1"/>

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