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Python modules matching a pattern

I'd like to run doctest s for a set of modules (glob: invenio.webtag* ) from a single module, but I'll need a way to import all these (and only these) modules and run doctest.testmod() on all of them. Any ideas?

Edit : The solution:

import doctest
import glob
import os
import pkgutil
pkgpath = pkgutil.extend_path([], 'invenio')[0]
for module_path in glob.glob(pkgpath + '/webtag*.py'):
    module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(module_path))[0]
    module = __import__('invenio.' + module_name)

A module can be dynamically loaded using __import__ eg

my_module = __import__("mymodule")

and then passed to testmod eg


Assuming you can build a list of the matching modules using either glob.glob or filtering the results from os.listdir you should be able to use this approach.


To import invenio.webtag try using a fromlist :

module = __import__('invenio.webtag', globals(), locals(), ['invenio'], -1)

see this documentation for the explanation.

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