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Counting substring occurrences in string[]

Given a String array such as this:

string[]={"bmw"," ","1bmw"," "};

I need to count how often the substring bmw occurs in that array. In this example it occurs 2 times.

How do I write that in C#?

also i want to ignore the capital character,

sting[]={"bmw", "", "BMw","1bmw"}

then the count result is 3.

what should i do?


Thanks for everyone's answer.


var str = new string[] { "bmw", " ", "1bmw", " " };
var count = str.Count(s => s.Contains("bmw"));

the next code will return the count of case insensitive occurrences (as author mentioned in comments):

var count = str.Count(s =>
    s.IndexOf("bmw", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1

More about string comparisons could be found here .

Without LINQ

int counter = 0;

foreach(string item in string_array)
   if(item.IndexOf("bmw") > -1){


You can use Linq for this like so:

var s = new string[] {"bmw", "1bmw"};
var result = s.Where(o=>o.Contains("bmw")).Count();

If you're using C# 3, you can use LINQ:

var strings = {"bmw"," ","1bmw"," "};
var count = string.Where( s => s.IndexOf( "bmw" ) > -1 ).Count();

Otherwise a loop will work too:

string[] strings = {"bmw"," ","1bmw"," "};  
int count = 0;
foreach( string s in strings ) {
    if( s.IndexOf( "bmw" > -1 ) ) {

One method using LINQ

static int CountOfString(IEnumerable<string> items, string substring, bool isCaseSensitive)
    StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.InvariantCulture;
    if (!isCaseSensitive)
        comparison = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase;

    return items.Count(item => item.IndexOf(substring, comparison) > -1);

Using it

string[] items = { "bmw", " ", "1bmw", " " };
int count = CountOfString(items, "bmw", false);

Case-insensitiveness makes it a little more verbose but still it's quite compact using following:

var str = new sting[]={"bmw", "", "BMw","1bmw"};
var count = str.Count(s => s.IndexOf("bmw", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1);

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