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nested sql statement using and

how to make this work in mysql?

select ID,COMPANY_NAME,contact1, SUBURB, CATEGORY, PHONE from Victoria where (city in ( select suburb from allsuburbs)) and CATEGORY='Banks'

this below statement is working: select ID,COMPANY_NAME,contact1, SUBURB, CATEGORY, PHONE from Victoria where city in ( select suburb from allsuburbs)

if I add "and" , it gives me an empty resultset, thanks

Learn how joins work.

  Victoria v
  inner join allsuburbs s on s.suburb = v.city 

Apart from that, your query does not make a whole lot of sense.

  • Your table is namend Victoria , but it contains a field named city ?! Do your other cities have their own table too?
  • You have a table named allsuburbs , but your criterion is that Victoria.city equals allsuburbs.suburb , even though a field named Victoria.suburb exists?! What's Victoria.suburb for, then?
  • Your table is named allsuburbs . Do you have another table that contains suburbs or is this your only one? If it is your only one, the name is redundant.
  • You have a field contact1 . Do you have contact2 ... contact10 as well? Bad database design.
  • Why is half of your fieldnames in caps, and not all of them (or none of them)?

Oh, and the usual format for SQL is: SQL keywords in caps, the field names etc. in mixed case/lower case. Much easier to read.

I think you might have misplaced a parentheses?

.. PHONE from Victoria where 
(city in ( select suburb from allsuburbs)) and CATEGORY='Banks'

I'm guessing should be:

.. PHONE from Victoria where 
city in ( select suburb from allsuburbs) and CATEGORY='Banks'

Not sure if that makes more sense, but the first case is not an ok SQL-statement I believe.

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