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SQL Server 2008 - Search Query

I am not a SQL Expert. I'm trying to elegantly solve a query problem that others have had to have had. Surprisingly, Google is not returning anything that is helping. Basically, my application has a “search” box. This search field will allow a user to search for customers in the system. I have a table called “Customer” in my SQL Server 2008 database. This table is defined as follows:


  • UserName (nvarchar)

  • FirstName (nvarchar)

  • LastName (nvarchar)

As you can imagine, my users will enter queries of varying cases and probably mis-spell the customer's names regularly. How do I query my customer table and return the 25 results that are closest to their query? I have no idea how to do this ranking and consider the three fields listed in my table.

Thank you!

I would suggest full-text search . Full-text search will provide plenty of options for dealing with some name variants and can rank the "closeness" of the results using CONTAINSTABLE . If you find that full-text search is not sufficient, you might consider a third-party indexing tool like Lucene.

You might want to try using SOUNDEX or DIFFERENCE as an alternative to full text search.

SELECT TOP 25 UserName, FirstName, LastName
FROM Customer
WHERE DIFFERENCE( UserName, @SearchValue ) > 2
ORDER BY DIFFERENCE( UserName, @SearchValue ), UserName

The case issue you can solve easy by setting your table collation to be case insensitive

The misspelling not sure how to handle but have a look at the full text search capabilities of sql server ..

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