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QT Creator simple application

I'm developping a very simple app on my Ubuntu using QtCreator.

It's a console application and I want the user to enter its name, and then I display his name. Here is the code :

#include <iostream>

int main(int ArgC, char* ArgV[])
    char Name[1000];

    std::cout << "Type your name : ";
    std::cin >> Name;

    std::cout << "Hello " << Name << "\n";
    return 0;

When running this app with QtCreator, the string "Type your name :" is displayed in the 'Application Output' tab. But if I type some text and press the enter key, nothing is happening.

What's wrong ?

Looks like "Application Output " tab doesn't support Input . Try to start your application in standalone console.

在Qt中编码时,不应使用std :: cout&library

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