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Google Javascript v8 - multithreading

Suppose I have the following piece of code

bool run (void)
    HandleScope hande_scope;
    Handle<String> source;
    Local<Script> script;
    Persistent<Context> context;

    context = Context::New();
    Context::Scope context_scope(context);

    script = Script::Compile("var a = 1; var b = 2;");
    Local<Value> result = script->Run();

    if (result.IsEmpty())
        return false;
        return true;


Is it true that one cannot execute this code using multiple threads? It seems like HandleScope is not designed to be used in multithreaded applications. I can use the v8::Locker and v8::Unlocker methodes but that would always give me execution traces as this:

t1: a = 1
t1: b = 2

t2: a = 1
t2: b = 2

I hope someone can give me a hint on getting this code multithreaded so that a possible execution trace could like this:

t1: a = 1
t2: a = 1

t1: b = 2
t2: b = 2

According to v8 issue 510 , a feature called "Isolates" was added to the trunk some months back. This should allow multiple (non-interacting) instances of v8 in a single process.

Look at this post . The v8 engine has a Locker class, that lets you preempt your code. With this you can use multiple threads.

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