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C/C++ - Convert 24-bit signed integer to float

I'm programming in C++. I need to convert a 24-bit signed integer (stored in a 3-byte array) to float (normalizing to [-1.0,1.0]).

The platform is MSVC++ on x86 (which means the input is little-endian).

I tried this:

float convert(const unsigned char* src)
    int i = src[2];
    i = (i << 8) | src[1];
    i = (i << 8) | src[0];

    const float Q = 2.0 / ((1 << 24) - 1.0);

    return (i + 0.5) * Q;

I'm not entirely sure, but it seems the results I'm getting from this code are incorrect. So, is my code wrong and if so, why?

You are not sign extending the 24 bits into an integer; the upper bits will always be zero. This code will work no matter what your int size is:

if (i & 0x800000)
    i |= ~0xffffff;

Edit: Problem 2 is your scaling constant. In simple terms, you want to multiply by the new maximum and divide by the old maximum, assuming that 0 remains at 0.0 after conversion.

const float Q = 1.0 / 0x7fffff;

Finally, why are you adding 0.5 in the final conversion? I could understand if you were trying to round to an integer value, but you're going the other direction.

Edit 2: The source you point to has a very detailed rationale for your choices. Not the way I would have chosen, but perfectly defensible nonetheless. My advice for the multiplier still holds, but the maximum is different because of the 0.5 added factor:

const float Q = 1.0 / (0x7fffff + 0.5);

Because the positive and negative magnitudes are the same after the addition, this should scale both directions correctly.

Since you are using a char array, it does not necessarily follow that the input is little endian by virtue of being x86; the char array makes the byte order architecture independent.

Your code is somewhat over complicated. A simple solution is to shift the 24 bit data to scale it to a 32bit value (so that the machine's natural signed arithmetic will work), and then use a simple ratio of the result with the maximum possible value (which is INT_MAX less 256 because of the vacant lower 8 bits).

#include <limits.h>

float convert(const unsigned char* src)
    int i = src[2] << 24 | src[1] << 16 | src[0] << 8 ;
    return i / (float)(INT_MAX - 256) ;

Test code:

unsigned char* makeS24( unsigned int i, unsigned char* s24 )
    s24[2] = (unsigned char)(i >> 16) ;
    s24[1] = (unsigned char)((i >> 8) & 0xff);
    s24[0] = (unsigned char)(i & 0xff);
    return s24 ;

#include <iostream>

int main()
    unsigned char s24[3] ;
    volatile int x = INT_MIN / 2 ;

    std::cout << convert( makeS24( 0x800000, s24 )) << std::endl ;  // -1.0
    std::cout << convert( makeS24( 0x7fffff, s24 )) << std::endl ;  //  1.0
    std::cout << convert( makeS24( 0, s24 )) << std::endl ;         //  0.0
    std::cout << convert( makeS24( 0xc00000, s24 )) << std::endl ;  // -0.5
    std::cout << convert( makeS24( 0x400000, s24 )) << std::endl ;  //  0.5


The solution that works for me:

 * Convert 24 byte that are saved into a char* and represent a float
 * in little endian format to a C float number.
float convert(const unsigned char* src)
    float num_float;
    // concatenate the chars (short integers) and
    // save them to a long int
    long int num_integer = (
            ((src[2] & 0xFF) << 16) | 
            ((src[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | 
            (src[0] & 0xFF)
        ) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    // copy the bits from the long int variable
    // to the float.
    memcpy(&num_float, &num_integer, 4);

    return num_float;

Works for me:

float convert(const char* stream)
    int fromStream = 
        (0x00 << 24) + 
        (stream[2] << 16) + 
        (stream[1] << 8) + 

    return (float)fromStream;

Since it's not symmetrical, this is probably the best compromise.

Maps -((2^23)-1) to -1.0 and ((2^23)-1) to 1.0.

(Note: this is the same conversion style used by 24 bit WAV files)

float convert( const unsigned char* src )
    int i = ( ( src[ 2 ] << 24 ) | ( src[ 1 ] << 16 ) | ( src[ 0 ] << 8 ) ) >> 8;
    return ( ( float ) i ) / 8388607.0;

Looks like you're treating it as an 24-bit unsigned integer. If the most significant bit is 1, you need to make i negative by setting the remaining 8 bits to 1 as well.

I'm not sure if it's good programming practice, but this seems to work (at least with g++ on 32-bit Linux, haven't tried it on anything else yet) and is certainly more elegant than extracting byte-by-byte from a char array, especially if it's not really a char array but rather a stream (in my case, it's a file stream) that you read from (if it is a char array, you can use memcpy instead of istream::read ).

Just load the 24-bit variable into the less significant 3 bytes of a signed 32-bit ( signed long ). Then shift the long variable one byte to the left, so that the sign bit appears where it's meant to. Finally, just normalize the 32-bit variable, and you're all set.

union _24bit_LE{
  char access;
  signed long _long;

float getnormalized24bitsample(){
  std::ifstream::read(&_24bit_LE_buf.access+1, 3);
  return (_24bit_LE_buf._long<<8) / (0x7fffffff + .5);

(Strangely, it doesn't seem to work when you just read into the 3 more significant bytes right away).

EDIT : it turns out this method seems to have some problems I don't fully understand yet. Better don't use it for the time being.

This one, got from here , works for me.

typedef union {
    struct {
        unsigned short lo;
        unsigned short hi;
    } u16;
    unsigned int u32;
    signed int i32;
    float  f;
//Bipolar version (-1.0 to ~1.0)
void fInt24_to_float(float* dest, const char* src, size_t length) {
    Versatype32 xTemp;
    while (length--) {
        xTemp.u32 = *(int*)src;
        //Check if Negative by right shifting 8
        xTemp.u32 <<= 8; //(If it's a negative, we'll know)  (Props to Norman Wong)
        //Convert to float
        xTemp.f = (float)xTemp.i32;     
        //Skip divide down if zero
        if (xTemp.u32 != 0) {
            //Divide by (1<<31 or 2^31)
            xTemp.u16.hi -= 0x0F80; //BAM! Bitmagic!
        *dest = xTemp.f;
        //Move to next set
        src += 3;
    }   //Are we done yet?

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