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Packaging a Python script on Linux into a Windows executable

I have a Python script that I'd like to compile into a Windows executable. Now, py2exe works fine from Windows, but I'd like to be able to run this from Linux. I do have Windows on my development machine, but Linux is my primary dev platform and I'm getting kind of sick of rebooting into Windows just to create the .exe . Nor do I want to have to buy a second Windows license to run in a virtual machine such as VirtualBox. Any ideas?

PS: I am aware that py2exe doesn't exactly compile the python file as much as package your script with the Python interpreter. But either way, the result is that you don't need Python installed to run the script.

As mentioned by other answerers, the cross-compilation feature is removed from PyInstaller since 1.5 . Here, show how to package a Windows executable from Python scripts using PyInstaller under wine .

Step 1: Install wine and Python

sudo apt-get install wine
wine msiexec /i python-2.7.10.msi /L*v log.txt


  • Newer Python versions already include pip (is used to install pyinstaller ). Download Python installation package from here (eg, python-2.7.10.msi )

  • For macos users, use brew cask install xquartz wine-stable .

Step 2: Install PyInstaller on wine

$ cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27
$ wine python.exe Scripts/pip.exe install pyinstaller

Successfully installed pyinstaller-3.1.1 pypiwin32-219

Step 3: Package Python scripts

Package Python scripts (eg, HelloWorld.py ) with pyinstaller .

$ wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe --onefile HelloWorld.py

# filename: HelloWorld.py

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

print('Hello World!')

The Windows executable file is located in dist/ .

$ wine dist/HelloWorld.exe 
Hello World!
fixme:msvcrt:__clean_type_info_names_internal (0x1e24e5b8) stub

Refer to here for the detailed description.

Did you look at PyInstaller ?

It seems that versions through 1.4 support cross-compilation (support was removed in 1.5+). See this answer for how to do it with PyInstaller 1.5+ under Wine.

Documentation says:

Add support for cross-compilation: PyInstaller is now able to build Windows executables when running under Linux. See documentation for more details.

I didn't try it myself.

I hope it helps

You could run Windows in VirtualBox in order to run py2exe. VBox offers a powerful command-line client for automating tasks, so it something that you could likely integrate into your development process with ease.

I have tested py2exe inside of wine, and it does function. You'll need to install python in wine for it to work, or if you only use the standard libarary, you can bundle py2exe with py2exe from the windows machine and then use it in wine. Just keep in mind you need the same version of the ms visual C libraries in wine as were used to compile python or things won't work properly.

Tested on Platform: Kubuntu 20.04, wine 6.0, python38

Download wine and python

  1. Download windows version of python from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3810/

  2. Install wine sudo apt install wine

  3. Open your terminal and run wine the-python-exe-you-downloaded

  4. Run find ~/.wine -name pip.exe this will give you the pip path:

/home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/users/yourusername/Local Settings/Application Data/Programs/Python/Python38/Scripts/pip.exe

Install pyinstaller

Run wine /home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/users/yourusername/Local\\ Settings/Application\\ Data/Programs/Python/Python38/Scripts/pip.exe install pyinstaller

Package your file

Find installation path

find ~/.wine -name pyinstaller.exe

wine /home/yourusernmae/.wine/drive_c/users/yourusername/Local\\ Settings/Application\\ Data/Programs/Python/Python38/Scripts/pyinstaller.exe --onefile yourpythonfile

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