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How to call sp_help [table] for SQL Server when using Oracle SQL Developer as my client

I am using Oracle SQL Developer in a linux environment to connect to an SQL Server 2005.

I don't seem to be able to make a sp_help [table_name] call. Previously, I found it quite useful when I was on a Windows environment using SQL Server management, and could make that call.

Is there any way to do this?

[edit] error message returned is the following:

Error starting at line 1 in command:
sp_help city
Error report:
Unknown Command

Have you considered using the information_schema views instead. Eg

Select *
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = 'City'

你试过exec sp_helptable [table_name]吗?

这工作: exec sp_helptable 'table_name'

Sorry to say this, but SQL Server won't care about the string it's sent in the batch so it's problem with the client or the driver.

If you have to use Linux, try SQuirreL instead which is a vey nice tool

exec sp_help [db.schema.table]有效

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