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ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Membership: implementing email address validation after user registration

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC 2 site, where I want to have users verify their email address after they register.

I want to send an email to the address with a link that the user can click to verify their email, and then handle the clicking of that link (the link will contain a specific id, of course).

Of course, this is easy to manually implement , but is there anything already built in to ASP.NET that has such a function?

as already described in the comment from jim Lamb, their is no built in functionality in the memberShip provider. In 1 of my previous jobs, I followed the example given by the guys from Rolla - Examining ASP.NET's Membership, Roles, and Profile .

我一直在寻找相同的东西并且遇到了这个问题: http//theintegrity.co.uk/2010/11/asp-net-mvc-2-custom-membership-provider-tutorial-part-1/

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