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Solving aliasing problem in c++

I was trying following code in which I defined copy c'tor explicitly to solve aliasing problem.
But code is giving runtime error.

using namespace std;

class word
    word(const char *s) // No default c'tor
    word(const word &w)
      char *temp=new char[strlen(w.str)+1];
     delete []str; 
     cout<<"destructor called"<<endl;
   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const word &w);

   int cnt;
   char *str;

ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,const word &w)
  os<<w.str<<" "<<w.cnt;
  return os;

word noun("happy");
void foo()
  word verb=noun;
  cout<<"inside foo()"<<endl;
  cout<<"noun : "<<noun<<endl<<"verb : "<<verb<<endl;

int main()
  cout<<"before foo()"<<endl<<"noun : "<<noun<<endl;
  cout<<"after foo()"<<endl<<"noun : "<<noun<<endl;
  return 0;

Problem is in this constructor:

 word(const char *s) // No default c'tor

Here you are not allocating any memory to copy the string into str variable. But in destructor of the class you are doing delete[] str; , since the memory for the str is not allocated using new[] it is crashing. You need to allocate memory similar to one you are doing in copy constructor and copy the string into the newly allocated memory. Or better still, use std::string .

EDIT: If you really don't want to use std::string for some reason, you also need an assignment operator with check for self assignment as mentioned by @icabod.

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