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String.Format vs ToString and using InvariantCulture

I am a little confused here.

What should I use



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:N}", (val/1085)));

Also how do I fit the InvariantCulture? ANY BEST PRACTICES :)?

Actually I prefer a third form:

Console.WriteLine("{0:N}", val / 1085);

Console.WriteLine can do the String.Format for you.

Console.WriteLine does not allow you to supply a culture. If that is what you want, you will still have to use String.Format . As in:

String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:N}", 123456789);

I do not recommend using that because international users will have trouble reading that. To me 123,456,789.00 looks strange.

For formatting + culture I prefer:




I found an invariant and generic way to solve that as follows:



Technically, it is a generic extension method, defined as follows:

public static class Extensions
    private static IFormatProvider inv 
                   = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat;

    public static string ToStringInvariant<T>(this T obj, string format=null)
        return (format == null) ? System.FormattableString.Invariant($"{obj}") 
                                : String.Format(inv, $"{{0:{format}}}", obj);

Usage is simple, just use .ToStringInvariant() instead of .ToString() . The advantage is that it works for any data type.

Optionally, you can pass a format too, like for example .ToStringInvariant("N") , just as you are used to to it with .ToString("N") . Note that in that case the extension method uses String.Format internally.

You can see the difference if you have a different culture for the number format, like in Germany we have comma instead of a decimal point. That means on a PC with German culture settings:

void Main()
    var val = 2456.5;

it would output:


which is correct, because .ToString uses the current culture (German settings), and .ToStringInvariant always uses the invariant culture, which is the English number format regardless of the Windows settings.

Note: For date formatting, I have provided a different extension method, which you can find here .

More information: FormattableString.Invariant(FormattableString) Method

In a datetime it's okay to use both. I rather like to use and see the first solution (ofcourse with missing parenthesis).

The String.Format is much more usefull when you have some string with a gaps for some kind of parameters. Then it's a killer method, which really nicely help you to organize your code.

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