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Splitting a simple maths expression with regex

I am trying to have a regular expression split on equations like 1.5+4.2*(5+2) with operators - + * / so the output would be input into a array so I can parse individually


I have found out that the \\b will work on 1+2+3 however if I were to have decimal points it would not split.

I have tried splitting with \\b(\\.\\d{1,2}) however it does not split on the decimal point

You can use zero-width matching lookahead and lookbehind combo as alternates.

String equation = "1.5+4.2*(5+2)";

String regex = "(?<=op)|(?=op)".replace("op", "[-+*/()]");

// actual regex becomes (?<=[-+*/()])|(?=[-+*/()])

//  ___  _  ___  _  _  _  _  _  _
// [1.5, +, 4.2, *, (, 5, +, 2, )]


  • […] is a character class definition
  • (?<=…) is a lookbehind; it asserts that we can match to the left
  • (?=…) is a lookahead; it asserts that we can match to the right
  • this|that is alternation
  • Thus, (?<=op)|(?=op) matches everywhere after or before op
    • ... where op is replaced by [-+*/()] , ie a character class that matches operators
      • Note that - is first here so that it doesn't become a range definition meta character


Related questions

More examples of zero-width matching regex for splitting

Here are more examples of splitting on zero-width matching constructs; this can be used to split a string but also keep delimiters.

Simple sentence splitting, keeping punctuation marks:

String str = "Really?Wow!This.Is.Awesome!";
)); // prints "[Really?, Wow!, This., Is., Awesome!]"

Splitting a long string into fixed-length parts, using \\G

String str = "012345678901234567890";
)); // prints "[0123, 4567, 8901, 2345, 6789, 0]"

Split before capital letters (except the first!)

)); // prints "[Oh, My, God]"

A variety of examples is provided in related questions below.

Related questions

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("((\\d*\\.\\d+)|(\\d+)|([\\+\\-\\*/\\(\\)]))");
Matcher m = pattern.matcher("1.5+4.2*(5+2)/10-4");
while(m.find()) {
    System.out.printf("%s ", m.group());

output: 1.5 + 4.2 * ( 5 + 2 ) / 10 - 4

You can also use ?: to avoid capturing groups. I left it to make it simple.

Use match, instead of split:


This regex will also accept valid floats like: 1.2e+3 * 2 which should equal 2400 . the regexes given by the other respondents will fail.


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