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Deployment woes: What do I do after “svn up”?

I've got several questions. I have no idea how the heck to deploy...

After doing "svn up" on my production server, I'm not sure how to "refresh" my server so that the changes are reflected when you visit it. What can I do to refresh my server to see the changes in production? (I tried rebooting.)

I also noticed that some of the files that I changed weren't truly updated. I deleted a file and saw that doing "svn up" would bring the file back. I went back and deleted everything in the web app's folders, including the svn files (probably a mistake). (I should be safe since I have the prod revisions on the test server, I assume...) So, how can I bring these files back?

I need all the advice and resources on this that I can get. Feel free to post anything else that will get me through this process.

It depends how you run your django up. If you're serving with mod_python / modwsgi , a simple apache restart does the trick.

If you're datamodel changed, you may need to call south command migrate .

On most Linux-Systems this can be done with service apache2 restart

You can do the svn up , manage.py migrate and service apache2 restart with fabric

Fabric helps you to automate to execute shell commands over ssh.

如果要在mod_wsgi上进行部署,则只需触摸.wsgi文件,它将重新加载应用程序,而不必重新启动整个服务器/ httpd / etc

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