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How to get URL using relative path?

I have a URL:

URL url=new URL("https://example.com/aa/bb/cc/file.html");

and a relative path:

String relativePath="../file2.html"; //maybe is "/file3.html"

I want to get http://example.com/aa/bb/file2.html using variable url and relativePath

How to do it?

new URL(url, relativePath);

如果要构建指向相关文件的 URL,可以使用:

URL url = new URL(new URL("file:"), "./myLocalFile.txt");

Try operating winth the class URI instead of the URL .

To get the URI from your URL:

java.net.URI anURI=url.toUri();

Then, to resolve the relative URI:

URI resultURI=anURI.resolve(relativePath);

And at last, to get an URL type use de method toUrl() of the URI result variable, and you've got it.

When building relative URL, keep in mind that the base is path to current package, not file. I mean: the referer file is in .../myProject/src/pckg/javafile.java and the referated file is in .../myProject/some-other/nice.file , then the relative reference should look like this:

URL url = new URL(new URL("file:"), "./../some-other/nice.file");

and this works for me as well:

URL url = new URL("file:./../some-other/nice.file");


new URL("file:./src/gui/Something.fxml")

URL url=Myclass.class.getResource("/com/fnf/si/DepAcctInq_V02.wsdl");

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