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How to ensure thread safety while updating some control from another thread?


In WPF (see comments for details for WinForms): You'll want to invoke the dispatcher to execute your code on the UI thread: See MSDN here

If you don't you'll very quickly run into exceptions as the runtime won't let you update a UI component from a thread that didn't create it.

BeginInvoke is preferred over just Invoke as the former is asynchronous - you don't need to wait for the UI thread to be woken and the delegate invoked before the calling thread can continue - See this StackOverflow question

For example:

public delegate void myUIDelegate();

    new myUIDelegate(() => {
       // Any code in this anonymous delegate is UI thread safe
       myButton.Enabled = true;

This will work in .Net 3.5 and above, below that you'll have to be more explicit with the anonymous delegate or just define a named method:

public delegate void myUIDelegate();

    new myUIDelegate(EnableButton));


private void EnableButton() {
   myButton.Enabled = true;

For winforms

You need to make use of Control.InvokeRequired property

see below artical


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