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Validating Integer using JSR303

I decided to use JSR303 to validate my forms in Spring 3.0 MVC application. When I try to check @NotEmpty on Integer variable I have exception:

javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer

First this variable was declared as int (protected int partCount ) but I found on the Spring forum that primitives may cause some problems, so I've changed that to Integer. Still same exception. Any ideas?

PS. Same situation with Double and Timestamp , no problems with Strings


Not sure what implementation you're using but here is what Hibernate Validator writes about the NotEmpty annotation (which is not part of the Bean Validation specification):

Check that a String is not empty (not null and length > 0) or that a Collection (or array) is not empty (not null and length > 0)

Maybe you're looking for something else? Like NotNull , or Min ?

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