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How to convert a user defined type to primitive type?

Let's say we have a class called Complex which represents a complex number. I want to convert this object to a double object.

The other way around i can do by implementing a copy ctor in Complex:
Complex(const double &d);

However, i can't implement i copy ctor in double which will receive a Complex.

How do i do this? I know there is a way with operator overloading, but i couldn't find how.
Eventually i want the this line will compile:
Complex c;


Implement a conversion operator on your Complex class:

class Complex
 // ...
  operator double() const
    double ret = // magic happens here
    return ret;

If for whatever reason you don't want to muck about with this, you can provide a global conversion function:

double convert_to_double(const Complex& rhs)
  double ret = // magic happens
  return ret;

The proper way of doing this is adding a conversion operator to your class.

class myclass {    
    operator double() const
        return _mydouble;

and used like this:

myclass c;
double d = c; // invokes operator double

You mean you want to do this

Complex c;
double d =  c; ?

You can write a conversion operator for that purpose

struct Complex{
   double double_val;

   operator double() const {
       return double_val;

The rub with a Complex class is that complex numbers are a superset of real numbers, ie while all real numbers are also complex numbers, not all complex numbers are real numbers.

So while, as others pointed out, you need to define a typecast operator in Complex for double , the real work is what you put into that function. The safest thing would be to throw an exception if the number isn't real:

#include <exception>

struct Complex
    double real;
    double imag;

    Complex(double real_, double imag_ = 0.0): real(real_), imag(imag_) {)

    // ...

    class not_real: public exception
        virtual const char* what() const throw()
            return "cannot cast non-real complex number to double";

    operator double() const {
        if(imag != 0.0)
            throw not_real();
        return real;

operator double is what you need

class Complex
   operator double() const {....}

You can create a custom cast operator: - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ts48df3y%28v=VS.100%29.aspx - Operator-Overloading/doublecastoperator.htm">http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Cpp/0200_Operator-Overloading/doublecastoperator.htm

So your code would look something like this (within your Complex class): operator double () { return /* whatever you want to do to the complex */ }

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