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Append element with SAX in python

I know how to parse xml with sax in python, but how would I go about inserting elements into the document i'm parsing? Do I have to create a separate file?

Could someone provide a simple example or alter the one I've put below. Thanks.

from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
from xml.sax import make_parser
import sys

class aHandler(ContentHandler):

    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        print "<",name,">"

    def characters(self, content):
        print content

    def endElement(self,name):
        print "</",name,">"

handler = aHandler()
saxparser = make_parser()

datasource = open("settings.xml","r")

<?xml version="1.0"?>

With DOM, you have the entire xml structure in memory.
With SAX, you don't have a DOM available, so you don't have anything to append an element to.

The main reason for using SAX is if the xml structure is really, really huge-- if it would be a serious performance hit to place the DOM in memory. If that isn't the case (as it appears to be from your small sample xml file), I would always use DOM vs. SAX.

If you go the DOM route, (which seems to be the only option to me), look into lxml . It's one of the best python xml libraries around.

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