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UNIX Domain Socket in Java

I see these threads UNIX socket implementation for Java? and http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=713266 .

The second link says that Java already supports UNIX Domain Socket. If that's true what class do I need to implement from Java?.

From the first link, it says that Java does not support UNIX Domain Socket. If you need UNIX Domain Socket you must use a 3rd-party library.

So, which is it?

You could use junixsocket: https://github.com/kohlschutter/junixsocket

It provides AF-UNIX support via a JNI library, utilizing the Java Socket API. It even allows connecting to MySQL from Java (Connector/J) via Unix sockets.

Java cannot create or access Unix Domain Sockets without using a 3rd party (native) library. The last comment on the second link above mentions this.

The first link has some good (and correct) information on it.

Netty 从 4.0.26 版本开始也支持它: https : //github.com/netty/netty/pull/3344

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