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Overloading postfix increment operator

I am trying to overload the postfix increment operator as a member function for a class which stores large numbers as an array of ints. But it keeps getting returned as 0. Any tips on why this doesn't work?

This is a homework question, so I would like more of a tip than straight code. Thanks.

The member data looks like:

largeInt = new int[maxSize];
int maxSize, currentSize;

Where currentSize is a tracking variable used to keep track of how big the array currently is.

And my code is:

The Load function puts an int at the first spot in the array and shifts everything else over.

/* postfix*/
NewInt& NewInt::operator++(int nothing)
    int count = 1;
    largeInt[currentSize - count] += 1;
    while(largeInt[currentSize - count] > 9)
            if(currentSize - count - 1 < 0)
                    firstVar = true;
                    largeInt[currentSize - count - 1] += 1;


    return *this;

Your comment disagrees with your code. operator++(int) is postfix increment, operator++() is prefix.

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