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Clarification VS Solutions and Web Project

I have difficulties to understand some concept in VS.

My aim is to develop a simple WebSite. Website will have two main section: CMS and a BLOG.

I would like develop CMS and BLOG as different Web Projects in different time. Now I understand in VS I can have a single Web Solution where I can place both Web Projects.

What I do not understand is what is happening at the moment of deployment and using the website.

Lets imagine file structure:

  • WebSolutions default.aspx
    • Cms cms.aspx
    • Blog blog.aspx

When I deploy the entire solution the User can visit default.aspx and after use application as WebSolutions/Cms/cms.aspx ???

I hope it make sense, I have problem even to explain it :-)

If you have a structure like this:

  • / (root)
  • /CMS/
  • /BLOG/
  • default.aspx

Within the CMS and BLOG directory add a default.aspx file as well.

Then you simply access the other areas by going to [domain]/CMS/default.aspx or [domain]/BLOG/default.aspx

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