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In ASP.NET MVC 2, can I deserialize a querystring into an array using the default ModelBinder?

In ASP.NET MVC 2, you can use this URL and this controller method:

GET http://server/controller/get?id=5

public ActionResult Get(int id)

And the ModelBinder will convert the id=5 querystring to id = (int) 5 in the method parameter. However, this won't work:

GET http://server/controller/get?idlist=1,2,3,4,5

public ActionResult Get(int[] idlist)

idlist will be null in the parameter. Although the parsing for this is pretty trivial, I was wondering if there is a way to either change the method signature or the querystring in order to make the default ModelBinder automatically deserialize arrays/collections?

With the default modelbinder, the url should be




If you really want to use idlist=1,2,3,4,5, you should have your own binder

This is a little late to the party but I wanted to do exactly the same thing.

You can pass the single string as {1,2} and it the binder will bind it to an array eg

<input name="idlist" type="text" value="{163,162}">

Here's what I think:

public ActionResult Get(int id)

Should be used as

GET http://server/controller/get/5

And the idlist can be simply split by comma(,)

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