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insert hyphen in a 9 digit number after 5 digits using regex

I have to automatically insert a hyphen in 9 digit number on text change event in c# only not javascript.

So if my number is 123456789 then it automatically becomes 12345-6789.

I would like to use regex.match.

My try:

The regex "^\\d{5}(-\\d{4})?$" is how the result should be.


Regex regTest = new Regex("^\\d{5}(-\\d{4})?$");

Match match = regTest.Match(s);

if (match.Success)
              var numString = match.Value;

But the above does not returns a success.

Thanks for help.

Your code sample simply checks that the format is xxxxx-xxxx . It doesn't insert the hyphen.

You do not need a RexEx to insert a hyphen:

myString.Insert(5, "-");

The regular expression seems correct. You can verify it here:

Most probably you are not inserting the '-' and then matching.

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