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Combine two or more table into one object

I need to combine two or more table into one object by using C# 4,0... I wrote a class for a table which included simple select selectbyid insert update and update.... it works fine for single table... by the way I have two attribute which specifies table name column name and primarykey... by using all these I can create my simple methods but I need to select and update more table in one object or method... what should I do or what would you suggest about it... Example:

users and customer table I have foreign keys which defined...

If you`re using linq to sql, you can join the other tables like

 var q = 
   from s in db.Suppliers
   join c in db.Customers on s.City equals c.City
   select new {
      Supplier = s.CompanyName,
      Customer = c.CompanyName,
      City = c.City

as just copy & paste from a sample of MSDN LINQ to SQL: .NET Language-Integrated Query for Relational Data

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