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Java / Spring MVC 3 validation of an email address

I have a Java backend with Spring MVC and I am using validation in this way on my domain object for an email address:

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;
@Size(min = 1, max = 100)
private String email;

But all I get with these lines of code

Set<ConstraintViolation<Person>> failures = validator.validate(personObject);
Map<String, String> failureMessages = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (ConstraintViolation<Person> failure : failures) {
    failureMessages.put(failure.getPropertyPath().toString(), failure.getMessage());
    System.out.println(failure.getPropertyPath().toString()+" - "+failure.getMessage())

I get this on the console:

email - must match "^([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.\\_]+)'+'(\\@)([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+)'+'(\\.)([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$"

but I have as email address test@test.com , so the regexp does not match.

So I have two prolems:

  • What's wrong here?
  • And how can I define a error message on my own, because display this to the user, that is not a good thing :-)

Thank you in advance for your help and Best Regards.

如果使用Hibernate Validator ,则可以使用@Email注释无论如何,您可以创建自定义约束注释并设置要在资源属性文件中显示的自定义消息。

First try simpler regex such as this:


Than you can try RFC 2822 version:


Let me know if the either worked for you.

Also take look at this package



It might be better alternative.

You can use @Email from Hibernate Validator :


Your regex has a couple of instances of '+' in it, which is kind of odd. e-mail addresses aren't usually required to have single quotes in them :) I think perhaps that is meant to be concatenating pieces of the String, and those should be double quotes?

For defining your own message, you just add message="{someWay.of.definingCodes}" to the annotation. Then define a translation for it in ValidationMessages.properties in the default package.

Alternately hibernate validator provides org.hibernate.validator.Email if you're willing to depend on a vendor extension.

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