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Import Multiple .sql dump files into mysql database from shell

I have a directory with a bunch of .sql files that mysql dumps of each database on my server.



There are quite a lot of them actually.

I need to create a shell script or single line probably that will import each database.

I'm running on a Linux Debian machine.

I thinking there is some way to pipe in the results of a ls into some find command or something..

any help and education is much appreciated.


So ultimately I want to automatically import one file at a time into the database.

Eg if I did it manually on one it would be:

mysql -u root -ppassword < database1-2011-01-15.sql

cat *.sql | mysql cat *.sql | mysql ? Do you need them in any specific order?

If you have too many to handle this way, then try something like:

find . -name '*.sql' | awk '{ print "source",$0 }' | mysql --batch

This also gets around some problems with passing script input through a pipeline though you shouldn't have any problems with pipeline processing under Linux. The nice thing about this approach is that the mysql utility reads in each file instead of having it read from stdin .

One-liner to read in all .sql files and imports them:

for SQL in *.sql; do DB=${SQL/\.sql/}; echo importing $DB; mysql $DB < $SQL; done

The only trick is the bash substring replacement to strip out the .sql to get the database name.

There is superb little script at http://kedar.nitty-witty.com/blog/mydumpsplitter-extract-tables-from-mysql-dump-shell-script which will take a huge mysqldump file and split it into a single file for each table. Then you can run this very simple script to load the database from those files:

for i in *.sql
  echo "file=$i"
  mysql -u admin_privileged_user --password=whatever your_database_here < $i

mydumpsplitter even works on .gz files, but it is much, much slower than gunzipping first, then running it on the uncompressed file.

I say huge , but I guess everything is relative. It took about 6-8 minutes to split a 2000-table, 200MB dump file for me.

I created a script some time ago to do precisely this, which I called (completely uncreatively) "myload". It loads SQL files into MySQL.

Here it is on GitHub

It's simple and straight-forward; allows you to specify mysql connection parameters, and will decompress gzip'ed sql files on-the-fly. It assumes you have a file per database, and the base of the filename is the desired database name.


myload foo.sql bar.sql.gz

Will create (if not exist) databases called "foo" and "bar", and import the sql file into each.

For the other side of the process, I wrote this script (mydumpall) which creates the corresponding sql (or sql.gz) files for each database (or some subset specified either by name or regex).


 find . -name '*.sql'|xargs mysql ...

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