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Create save filenames from userinput in Python

I'm programming an IRC and XMPP bot that needs to convert user provided input to a filename. I have already written a function to do this. Is it sane enough?

Here is the code:

allowednamechars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_+/$.-'

def stripname(name, allowed=""):
    """ strip all not allowed chars from name. """
    n = name.replace(os.sep, '+')
    n = n.replace("@", '+')
    n = n.replace("#", '-')
    n = n.replace("!", '.')
    res = u""
    for c in n:
        if ord(c) < 31: continue
        elif c in allowednamechars + allowed: res += c
        else: res += "-" + str(ord(c))
    return res

It's a whitelist with extra code to remove control characters and replace os.sep, as well as some repaces to make the filename Google App Engine compatible.

The bot in question is at http://jsonbot.googlecode.com .

So what do you think of it?

You might consider just doing base64.urlsafe_b64encode(name) , which will always produce a safe name, unless you really want a human-readable file name. Otherwise, the number of edge cases is pretty long, and if you forget one of them, you've got a security problem.

urllib.quote(name.encode("utf8")) will produce something human-readable, which should also be safe. Example:

In [1]: urllib.quote(u"foo bar$=+:;../..(boo)\u00c5".encode('utf8'))
Out[1]: 'foo%20bar%24%3D%2B%3A%3B../..%28boo%29%C3%85'

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