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Generated column and table names in hibernate with underscore

how do I force hibernate to generate db schema such that it converts CamelCase into Underscores (using HBM)? Eg. I have:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="cz.csas.pdb.be.model.product.passive">

    <class name="foo.BarBaz">

        <id name="barBazId">
            <generator class="sequence"/>

        <property name="extractContactType"/>
        <!-- ... -->

And I want hibernate to create table like this (oracle):

    "BAR_BAZ_ID"               NUMBER(19,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
    -- PK etc...

I know I can use table/column name in the hbm.xml file, but I want to set it globally (both to save time and prevent errors).

ImprovedNamingStrategy should do exactly what you want. See 3.6. Implementing a NamingStrategy .

In JPA 2 (Hibernate 4), it is even more easier , just add:

<property name="hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy"
         value="org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy" />

to your persistence.xml .

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