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Reading codelines from dataadapter generated code

In one of my project I have the following lines:

Me.SqlDeleteCommand1.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [CLASS] WHERE (([MAIN FACILITY USED] = @Original_MAIN_FACILITY_USED) " & _
    "AND ([START DATE] = @Original_START_DATE) AND ([CentreId] = @Original_CentreId) " & _
    "AND ([RowVer] = @Original_RowVer))"
Me.SqlDeleteCommand1.Connection = Me.SqlConnection1
Me.SqlDeleteCommand1.Parameters.AddRange(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() {New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_MAIN_FACILITY_USED", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "MAIN FACILITY USED", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing), New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_START_DATE", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "START DATE", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing), New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_CentreId", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "CentreId", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing), New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_RowVer", System.Data.SqlDbType.Timestamp, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "RowVer", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing)})

The thing is that in another project I want to read the line:

Me.SqlDeleteCommand1.Parameters.AddRange(New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter() {New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_MAIN_FACILITY_USED", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "MAIN FACILITY USED", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing), New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_START_DATE", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "START DATE", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing), New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_CentreId", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "CentreId", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing), New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_RowVer", System.Data.SqlDbType.Timestamp, 0, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "RowVer", System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, Nothing)})

After refering to its assembly I write the following lines:


da is the dataadapter that is added so it can acces that assembly and read data from it. However the following line of code works As i wish but the upper one won't.


is there any other solutions? Reading the line containing range of parameters?


The Parameters object in the DataAdapter is a SqlParameterCollection object. If you're looking for all the values/types, you can iterate through the items in that collection and get the values you need. See the documentation to find the values you need

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