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Regular expression for text input

I want users to be allowed to enter numbers, up to 3 digits before the decimal place, with an optional decimal place and a maximum of 2 digits after the optional decimal place.

I want it to match: 12, 123, 123.5, 123.55, 123. I do not want it to match: abc, 1234, 123.555

What I have so far it: ^\\d{0,3}(.?)\\d{0,2}$

At the moment it is still matching 1234. I think I need to use the look behind operator somehow but I'm not sure how.


Try this:


Or better, to avoid just a . :


Specifically, note:

  • Escaping the dot, or it matches any character (except new lines), including more digits.
  • Made the whole decimal part optional, including the dot. That is - the decimal dot is not optional - it must be including if we are to match any digit from the decimal part.
  • Even if you have escaped the dot, ^\\d{0,3}(\\.?)\\d{0,2}$ isn't correct. With the dot optional, it can match 12378 : \\d{0,3} matches 123 , (\\.?) doesn't match anything, and \\d{0,2} matches 78 .

Working example: http://rubular.com/r/OOw6Ucgdgq

Maybe this (untested)


Edit - the above is wrong.

@Kobi's answer is correct.

A lookahead could be added to his first version to insure a NOT just a dot or empty string.




You have to put the combination of decimal point and the decimal numbers optional. In your regex, only the decimal number is optional. 1234 is accepted because 123 satisfy ^\\d{0,3}, not existing decimal point satisfy (.?), and 4 satisfy \\d{0,2}.

Kobi's answer provided you the corrected regex.

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