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C code crashes attempting Python remote procedure call via xmlrpc

I'm trying to create C code that creates an Python xmlrpc client and calls methods on the xmlrpc server (I'm thinking of using this as IPC for a hook DLL).

Here's the code ... I'm not going to layer in reference counting until it works.

#include <Python.h>
#include <Windows.h>

static PyObject *xmlrpc_server_proxy = NULL;
static PyObject *set_server_proxy(void);
static void say_hi(void);

int main()
    xmlrpc_server_proxy = set_server_proxy();
    return 0;

static PyObject *
        PyObject *xmlrpc_client_mod, *xmlrpc_server_proxy_class, *location, *args;
        PyObject *result;
        xmlrpc_client_mod = PyImport_ImportModule("xmlrpc.client");
        xmlrpc_server_proxy_class = PyObject_GetAttrString(xmlrpc_client_mod, "ServerProxy");
        location = PyUnicode_FromString("");
        args = Py_BuildValue("(O)", location);
        result = PyObject_CallObject(xmlrpc_server_proxy_class, args);
        return result;

static void say_hi()
    PyObject_CallMethod(xmlrpc_server_proxy, "say_hi", "()");

I've confirmed that my Python xmlrpc server works fine when called from another Python server proxy. When I try to run the above executable, it crashes on the PyObject_CallMethod() . Why?

Near the end of set_server_proxy() you are calling Py_Finalize() which destroys the interpreter, and subsequently you are calling say_hi() which assumes the interpreter still exists. When the Python interprer code attempts to raise an error, the PyErr_Occurred() function gets a pointer to the current thread state, which is NULL ; it dereferences it and this generates the segfault.

Move your interpreter initialization calls inside the main() function:

int main()
    xmlrpc_server_proxy = set_server_proxy();
    return 0;

Secondarily, if you are trying to use Python's standard xmlrpclib.ServerProxy you may need to change your import to:

xmlrpc_client_mod = PyImport_ImportModule("xmlrpclib");

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