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Using SqlCommand , how to add multiple parameters to its object , insertion via winform in sql table

I have ten textboxes in my winform, and i need to save the text typed in these textboxes into 10 columns of a sql database table. so, for this shall i write :

INSERT INTO item (c1,c2,c3...,c10) values (@a,@b....@j) 



OR ten separate queries for each textbox:

INSERT INTO item (c1) values (@a)

INSERT INTO item (c2) values (@b) 
INSERT INTO item (c10) values (@j)

or, please suggest an efficient code.

How to add multiple parameters to cmd in a single statement? is it possible?

You can use an extension method, like this:

public static class DbCommandExtensions
    public static void AddInputParameters<T>(this IDbCommand cmd,
        T parameters) where T : class
        foreach (var prop in parameters.GetType().GetProperties())
            object val = prop.GetValue(parameters, null);
            var p = cmd.CreateParameter();
            p.ParameterName = prop.Name;
            p.Value = val ?? DBNull.Value;

Then call it like this:

cmd.AddInputParameters(new { a = textBox1.Text, b = TextBox2.Text, /* etc */ });

I've used that in a few projects with no problems.

I think you can use Parameters.AddWithValue() method.


The 2 'solutions' that you suggest in your question, are semantically different. Which one you should use, depends on your table-layout.

The first solution inserts one record in the table, the second insert statement inserts one record (row) for every value (textbox).

Difficult to give a good answer here, since we do not know what you're going to save in that table, and thus , we cannot say how you should save it (how you save it, is inherintly dependent on the way you should call the SQL insert statement).

You could use a function like this:

void AddParams(DBCommand cmd,params object[] parameters)
    if (parameters != null)
        int index = 0;
        while (index < parameters.Length)
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@"+(string)parameters[index], parameters[index + 1]);
            index += 2;

Not the best one probably, but functional. Call link this:


Or you can use an extension like suggested from @Matt Hamilton to add this function in DBCommand class.

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