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postgresql client overflow

I keep getting the error:

FATAL: sorry, too many clients already

I never had the problem before, but I recently upgraded to version 9.03 and also OS X lion preview release 2. It doesn't seem to matter how idle the processes are, they never die. I have to restart postgres every half hour or so. I'm using postgres via Rails 3 and Navicat, never had a problem with either before now and stopping both clients does nothing to solve the problem.

Any ideas or settings I'm missing? Not sure what settings I should display here for my setup, but everything should be default. Installed postgres using HOMEBREW.

Most likely go into postgresql.conf and edit max_connections and post the existing value.To see how many connections you have an what they are doing select from pg_stat_activity. Maybe your bleeding connections?

See this link http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/interactive/runtime-config-connection.html

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