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How to determine if System.Object is System.Type

I am writing a general IValueConverter for WPF, and i'm coming unstuck on comparing the value to a particular type.

The makeup of my objects in look something like this

public interface IAwesome
    int AwesomeAmount { get; set; }

public class MyAwesomeClass : IAwesome
    public int AwesomeAmount { get; set; }

My method looks something like this

public bool CompareToType(object value, Type type);

If I had...

var mac = new MyAwesomeClass();
bool isAwesome = CompareToType(mac, typeof(IAwesome));

Similarly I could write

var stream = new FileStream();
bool isStream = CompareToType(stream, typeof(Stream));

How do I write my CompareToType method to determine if the class implements the Interface or inherits from a base object?

Apologies if i'm missing somethign blindingly obvious, but i'd appreciate some help anyway :)

Use Type.IsAssignableFrom method.



maybe you are looking for is ?

var stream = new FileStream();
bool isStream = stream is Stream;

you could also try

isStream = typeOf(Stream).IsAssignableFrom(stream.GetType());

If I understand correctly, your looking for this:

if (mac is IAwesome) {}

Or: var t = mac as IAwesome; if (t != null) {}

bool isAwesome = mac is IAwesome;

To check if a class implements an interface:

var obj = new MyInteracedClass();



The easy implementation is

public bool CompareToType(object obj, Type type)
    return type != null
        && obj != null
        && type.IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType());

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