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Out of Memory Exception when accessing Java Hashmap from JNI

HI. I write a program using jni.net bridge. jni.net bridge is c# wraper of JNI. Problem: i create object of hash map from c# using jni.net bridge . when i try to call put(object,object) method of hash map OutOFMemory exception occurs; " insufficient memory to continue program execution " i also catch exception and when i check is put operation was successful or not i and call get(key) method i come to know than key was entered successfully.

This error only comes when try to put new key value pair, if i want to update previous key value no error ....

need ur expert opinions. Code Is given below

This is the code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Jni.Net.Bridge;

namespace JNINetHashTable
    class HashTable

        readonly static JClass hastTableClass;
        readonly static JClass employeeClass;

        readonly static JConstructor empconstr;
        readonly static JMethod getName;
        readonly static JMethod setName;
        readonly static JObject classObject;
        readonly static JConstructor constr;
        readonly static JMethod put;
        readonly static JMethod get;
        readonly static JMethod size;
        readonly static JMethod remove;
        readonly static JMethod clear;

        readonly static JMethod getNumber;
        readonly static JMethod setNumber;
        static JObject empObj;
        static HashTable()

            employeeClass = JClass.ForName("Employee");
            Console.WriteLine("Check  Point1...!");
            empconstr = employeeClass.GetConstructor("()V");
            empObj = employeeClass.NewInstance();
            setName = employeeClass.GetMethod("setName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
            getName = employeeClass.GetMethod("getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
            getNumber = employeeClass.GetMethod("getNumber", "()I");
            setNumber = employeeClass.GetMethod("setNumber", "(I)V");

            hastTableClass = JClass.ForName("java/util/HashMap");

            constr = hastTableClass.GetConstructor("()V");
            classObject = hastTableClass.NewInstance();

            put = hastTableClass.GetMethod("put", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
            size = hastTableClass.GetMethod("size", "()I");
            remove = hastTableClass.GetMethod("remove", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
            clear = hastTableClass.GetMethod("clear", "()V");
        public  void addItem(JString key,int value)

            empObj = employeeClass.NewInstance();
            int a = getNumber.CallInt(empObj);

                JObject obj = put.CallObject(classObject, key, empObj);

            Console.WriteLine("Writing Time " + a);

        public  string getItem(JString key)
           empObj  = get.CallObject(classObject,key);
           int a = getNumber.CallInt(empObj);
           JObject str = getName.CallObject(empObj);
           string name = JString.getString(str);
           return  name+" : "+a;
        public int hashsize()
            int a=size.CallInt(classObject);
            return a;
        public bool removeKey(JString key)
            JObject jo = remove.CallObject(classObject, key);
            if (jo != null)
                return true;
            else return false;

        public void clearAll()


JClass is the class of c# which wraps the jclass of jni as per implementation of the JNI.net.bridge is there any other question to make it more clear...?

It is solved, issues was in callobject method of JMethod Class.

if(r==IntPtr.Zero) return null; JThrowable.CheckAndThrow (); return new JObject(r);

Becasue jobject constructor throws an exception if ptr is null;

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