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C++ String Length problems

so im practicing the STL string class, but i can not figure out why the string->length function won't come up with the correct answer of 5, and only 2 (no matter the actual length). Here's the program i'm trying to run but it thinks that there are only 2 items between ->begin and ->end:

void testFunc(string _string[])
      int _offset = 0;
      string::const_iterator i;
      for (i = _string->begin(); i != _string->end(); i++)
           cout << _offset << "\t";
           cout << _string[_offset] << endl;
           _offset ++;

int main()
     string Hello[] = {"Hi", "Holla", "Eyo", "Whatsup", "Hello"};


     char response;
     cin >> response;
     return 0;

The output is:

0     Hi
1     Holla  

Thanks! =)

You're iterating through the first string, which is "Hi" - it has two characters, so you see two entries.

If you want to go all STL, you'd need a vector instead of a C-style array (ie vector<string> , and use an iterator on that.

If you don't want STL:

    void testFunc(string *strings, int stringCount)
        int _offset = 0;

        while (stringCount--)
            cout << _offset << "\t";
            cout << _strings[_offset] << endl;
            _offset ++;

int main()
    string Hello[] = {"Hi", "Holla", "Eyo", "Whatsup", "Hello"};

    testFunc(Hello, sizeof(Hello) / sizeof(Hello[0]));

    char response;
    cin >> response;
    return 0;

The issue is with the expressions:


Thinking of a->b as the same as (*a).b , we can see that they are:


*x is the same as x[0] , so we have:


As _string[0] contains "Hi" , you can see why the iteration is only two steps.

The problem is that you are trying to is iterate a c array.

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