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Identify sql exception in c#?

how to catch sql exception with its error code(error no) to identify which exception is exactly thrown in c# ? for example database is offline or there is reference row in other table so sql wont allow me to delete row but how exactly i could identify what is the problem in catch so that i can display message to the user in my application

You need to put your database code into a try ... catch block, and (assuming you're using ADO.NET against SQL Server) then catch the SqlException .

   // your database code here
catch(SqlException sqlEx)
   foreach(SqlError error in sqlEx.Errors)
       // you can inspect the individual errors, their code etc. here

The SqlException object will contain a collection of SqlError objects that describe the error that happened in great detail - with line number, error code and everything.

Other databases will have similar constructs - check your docs!


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