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Why would fclose hang / deadlock? (Windows)

I have a directory change monitor process that reads updates from files within a set of directories. I have another process that performs small writes to a lot of files to those directories (test program). Figure about 100 directories with 10 files in each, and about 500 files being modified per second.

After running for a while, the directory monitor process hangs on a call to fclose() in a method that is basically tailing the file. In this method, I fopen() the file, check that the handle is valid, do a few seeks and reads, and then call fclose() . These reads are all performed by the same thread in the process. After the hang, the thread never progresses.

I couldn't find any good information on why fclose() might deadlock instead of returning some kind of error code. The documentation does mention _fclose_nolock() , but it doesn't seem to be available to me (Visual Studio 2003).

The hang occurs for both debug and release builds. In a debug build, I can see that fclose() calls _free_base() , which hangs before returning. Some kind of call into kernel32.dll => ntdll.dll => KernelBase.dll => ntdll.dll is spinning. Here's the assembly from ntdll.dll that loops indefinitely:

77CEB83F  cmp         dword ptr [edi+4Ch],0 
77CEB843  lea         esi,[ebx-8] 
77CEB846  je          77CEB85E 
77CEB848  mov         eax,dword ptr [edi+50h] 
77CEB84B  xor         dword ptr [esi],eax 
77CEB84D  mov         al,byte ptr [esi+2] 
77CEB850  xor         al,byte ptr [esi+1] 
77CEB853  xor         al,byte ptr [esi] 
77CEB855  cmp         byte ptr [esi+3],al 
77CEB858  jne         77D19A0B 
77CEB85E  mov         eax,200h 
77CEB863  cmp         word ptr [esi],ax 
77CEB866  ja          77CEB815 
77CEB868  cmp         dword ptr [edi+4Ch],0 
77CEB86C  je          77CEB87E 
77CEB86E  mov         al,byte ptr [esi+2] 
77CEB871  xor         al,byte ptr [esi+1] 
77CEB874  xor         al,byte ptr [esi] 
77CEB876  mov         byte ptr [esi+3],al 
77CEB879  mov         eax,dword ptr [edi+50h] 
77CEB87C  xor         dword ptr [esi],eax 
77CEB87E  mov         ebx,dword ptr [ebx+4] 
77CEB881  lea         eax,[edi+0C4h] 
77CEB887  cmp         ebx,eax 
77CEB889  jne         77CEB83F 

Any ideas what might be happening here?

I posted this as a comment, but I realize this could be an answer in its own right...

Based on the disassembly, my guess is you've overwritten some internal heap structure maintained by ntdll , and it is looping forever iterating through a linked list.

In particular at the start of the loop, the current list node seems to be in ebx . At the end of the loop, the expected last node (or terminator, if you like -- it looks a bit like these are circular lists and the last node is the same as the first, pointer to this node being at [edi+4Ch] ) is contained in eax . Probably the result of cmp ebx, eax is never equal, because there is some cycle in the list introduced by a heap corruption.

I don't think this has anything to do with locks, otherwise we would see some atomic instructions (eg. lock cmpxchg , xchg , etc.) or calls to other synchronization functions.

I had a same case with file close function. In my case, I solved by located the close function embedded other function body instead of having own function.

I was also suspicious on (1) the name of file being duplicated (2) Windows scheduling (file IO wasn't completed before next task treading being started. Windows scheduling and multi-threading is behind of the curtain, so it is hard to verify, but I have similar issue when I tried to save many data in ASCII in the loop. Saving on binary solved at this case.)

My environment, IDE: Visual Studio 2015, OS: Windows 7, language: C++

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