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Telerik Reporting Class Library not found C#

I created a new Telerik reporting class library (single report for now) which builds successfully in VS2010 [10.0.30319.1 RTMRel]

I want to test/debug, so I add a WinForms project called "Tester" to my solution containing the above class library, and I make Tester the startup project.

In Solution Explorer, I right click on the References node beneath project Tester and choose "Add Reference" from the context menu. From the Projects tab of the dialog, I select MyTelerikClassLibrary.

Back in WinForm1 in the Tester project, I want to declare an instance of Report1, and Intellisense shows me MyTelerikClassLibrary.Report1:

        MyTelerikClassLibrary.Report1 R1 = new MyTelerikClassLibary.Report1();

I examine the solution Build Order which shows this order:


On the Dependencies tab it shows that Project Tester depends on MyTelerikClassLibrary.

HOWEVER... When I go to build the project, I get this error:

   Error    4   The type or namespace name 'MyTelerikClassLibrary' could not be found (are you   missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

MyTelerikClassLibrary.DLL has been created and resides in the /bin/debug directory beneath the class library project director.

Why can't I build the project?

So your winform project, besides referencing your class library. Do you also have references for Telerik.Reporting, and Telerik.ReportViewer.WinForms?

And when you look at the reference for "MytelerikClassLibrary" try setting Copy Local to True.

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