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Change hours minutes and seconds

The time is set as hh:mm:ss, so time is 23:50:45, once it hits midnight it will turn to 00:00:00. A practise question for my exam has asked me to write a method to do this, is my logic right or away off, I am concerned about my if else statements

public void increment()
if(seconds <= 59)
   seconds ++;
else if (seconds >= 60 && minutes<= 59)
   seconds == 0;
   minutes ++;
if(minutes >= 60 && hours <= 23)
   minutes == 0;
  hours == 0;

You are performing assignment operations using the '==' equivalence operator. Correct that... Instead of minutes==0; , it should read minutes = 0; and so on as you are assigning '0'. The == will evaluate to a boolean . You have also used secounds some place, instead of seconds .

See this !

You can do the same thing much easier.

public void increment() {    
    seconds ++;
    if (seconds >= 60)
       seconds = 0;
       minutes ++;
    if(minutes >= 60)
       minutes = 0;
    if(hours >= 24)
       hours = 0;

I think your logic is wrong...

if(secounds <= 59)
   seconds ++;

will cause seconds to go to 60... or remove the else in the else if coming right after...

As pointed out by anirudh4444, to assign to 0, you should use = , not ==

I would just remove all the <= conditions. And replace the last one as

if (hours >= 24) {
    hours =0;

Also, spell seconds correctly (it was misspelled in some places are correctly spelled in one place...)

Your code becomes:

public void increment()
seconds ++;

if (seconds >= 60)
   seconds = 0;
   minutes ++;
if(minutes >= 60)
   minutes = 0;
if (hours >= 24)
  hours = 0;

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