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splitting a string every 4 characters and then put those into new variables?

How would i split a string every 4 characters and then have every 4 characters put into a separate variable so i can do other stuff with each individual 4 characters?

Well, I don't really see you putting each of them in a different variable, because then you'll have like 10 variables:

$var1 = ...;
$var2 = ...;
$var3 = ...;

But you could use the str_split function as following:

$variable = str_split($origionalvar, 4);

it will create an array, which you can access:

$variable[0] to $variable[sizeof(variable)]

If you don't know about arrays, you really should read up on those. They are really great if you want to store a lot of similar information in an object and you don't want to create a new variable for it every time. Also you can loop over them very easily and do some other great stuff with them.

I assume you probably googled this question a bit too. You must have come across http://php.net/manual/en/function.str-split.php . Did you see this page, and if you did, did you have some trouble with it. If so perhaps we can help you reading the documentation properly.

Have a look at the str_split function. The PHP manual will tell you all you need to know.

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