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Workflow SerializationException because of complex object

I got the following exception:

System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting.PersistenceException: Type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb' in Assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' is not marked as serializable. —> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb' in Assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' is not marked as serializable

The error came from here:

public sealed partial class MyWorkflow : StateMachineWorkflowActivity
    public SPWorkflowActiviationProperties workflowProperties = new SPWorkflowActivationProperties();
    private SPWeb spWebtemp;

    private SPWeb spWeb
        get { return spWebtemp ?? (spWebtemp = workflowProperties.Web); }


There are two blog posts I found:

There is one solution to be found to this problem: Not have complex member objects as global variables , but as a local variables - ie declare SPWeb locally (workflowProperties.Web) instead of on a global level.

So I would have to redeclare spWeb in every method I am using - which I deem rather ugly.

What I also tried is this:

private SPWeb spWebtemp;

private SPWeb spWeb
    get { return spWebtemp ?? (spWebtemp = workflowProperties.Web); }

==> no more serialization exception!

Are there any negative implications when using the NonSerialized attribute on this field?
Or in other words - what are the implications?

Why don't you simply do :

private SPWeb spWeb
    get { return workflowProperties.Web; }

the lazy load of the spweb object is already handled by the properties property

This looks like it also would also work (the OnDeserialized Attribute):



I haven't tested this, but I'm thinking something like this:

public sealed partial class MyWorkflow : StateMachineWorkflowActivity

public SPWorkflowActiviationProperties workflowProperties = new SPWorkflowActivationProperties();

private SPWeb spWebtemp;

private SPWeb spWeb
    get { return spWebtemp ?? (spWebtemp = workflowProperties.Web); }

internal void OnDeserializedMethod(StreamingContext context)
    spWebTemp = workflowProperties.Web;


Also, why not initialize the spWebtemp object in the constructor, or is that not possible with workflows?

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