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Python threads passing parameters

I'm trying to passing some parameter to the server tread, but I have no idea how?

this is my code:

HOST, PORT = socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() ), 31000
self.server = SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer( ( HOST, PORT ), MCRequestHandler )
ip, port = self.server.server_address        
self.server_thread = threading.Thread( target = self.server.serve_forever )

this is the MCRequestHandler

class MCRequestHandler( SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler ):

    global Lidars, clientsLock, postbox
    Lidars = []
    postbox = {}
    clientsLock = threading.RLock()    

    def setup( self ):

How can I pass one or two parameter to the MCRequestHandler class?

I think the second parameter of ThreadingTCPServer is a factory:

  SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer( ( HOST, PORT ), MCRequestHandler )

What you could do is your own factory here. Class will contstuct a callable object. when the object is called it will initialize MCRequestHandler with parameters given to the factory:

class MyRequestHandlerFactory(object):

  def __init__(self, param1, param2): 
            self.param1 = param1
            self.param2 = param2

  def __call__(self):
            handler = MCRequestHandler()
            handler.param1 = param1
            handler.param2 = param2

Then initialize:

  factory = MyRequestHandlerFactory("x", "y")
  SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer( ( HOST, PORT ), factory)

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