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How to rewrite Java [continue <label> and break <label>] in C#?

In Java it's written like this.. when I was porting this code... realizied there is no such thing as break <label> and continue <label> .

I know those commands were not included because there HAS to be a cleaner way of doing this when using a goto with a command..

But I ended up using.. the C# code below any way to rewrite it cleaner?

Java Code

for(JClass c : classes) {
    for(JMethod m : c.getMethods()) {
        JCode code = m.getCode();
        if(code == null)
        label: for(int index = 0; index < code.getExceptionLookupTable().length; index++) {
            JException e = code.getExceptionTable().get(index);
            for(int index2 = e.getStartIndex(); index2 < e.getEndIndex(); index2++)
                if(code.getInstruction(index2).getOpcode() == NEW && ((NEW) code.getInstruction(index2)).getType().equals("java/lang/RuntimeException"))
                    continue label;
                if(e.getCatchTypeClassName().equals("java/lang/RuntimeException")) {
                    for(int index = e.getHandlerIndex(); index < code.getInstrLength(); index++) {
                        JInstruction instr = code.getInstruction(index);
                        if(instr.getOpcode() == ATHROW)
                        else if(instr instanceof ReturnInstruction)
                            break label;
                    removeStuff(code, ei--);

C# Code.

foreach(JClass c in classes) {
    foreach(JMethod m in c.getMethods()) {
        JCode code = m.getCode();
        if(code == null)

        for(int index = 0; index < code.getExceptionTable().Length; index++) {
            bool continueELoop = false;
            bool breakELoop = false;
            JException e = code.getExceptionTable().get(index);
            for(int index2 = e.getStartIndex(); index2 < e.getEndIndex(); index2++) {
                if(code.getInstruction(index2).getOpcode() == JInstructions.NEW && ((NEW) code.getInstruction(index2)).getType().Equals("java/lang/RuntimeException")) {
                    continueELoop = true;
            if(continueELoop) continue;

            if(e.getCatchTypeClassName().Equals("java/lang/RuntimeException")) {
                for(int index = e.getHandlerIndex(); index < code.getInstrLength(); index++) {
                    JInstruction instr = code.getInstruction(index);
                    if (instr.getOpcode() == JInstructions.ATHROW) {
                    } else if (isReturnInstruction(instr)) {
                        breakELoop = true;
                removeStuff(code, ei--);
            if (breakELoop) break;

You can see when looking at the Java version then looking at the ported C# version.. the clean feeling goes away. Did I make some mistakes that can make the code shorter? or nicer looking? thanks for the help.

I guess, in C# you would never write such ugly code in the first place.

Here's your code refactored into multiple methods and to use LINQ with a fictional class hierarchy:

IEnumerable<JCode> GetCodes(IEnumerable<JClass> classes)
    return from @class in classes
           from method in @class.Methods
           where method.Code != null
           select method.Code;

IEnumerable<Tuple<JCode, JException>> GetCandidates(IEnumerable<JCode> codes)
    return from code in codes
           from ex in code.ExceptionTable
           where !code.Instructions
                      .Take(ex.End - ex.Start + 1)
                      .Any(i => i.OpCode == New && ...)
           select Tuple.Create(code, ex);

and then

void RewriteMethods(IEnumerable<JClass> classes)
    var codes = GetCodes(classes);

    var candidates = GetCandidates(codes);

    foreach (var candidate in candidates)
        var code = candidate.Item1;
        var ex = candidate.Item2;

        var instructionsToRemove = code.Instructions
                                       .TakeWhile(i => i.OpCode != Return)
                                       .Where(i => i.OpCode == AThrow);


If we're purely talking about language specification, there is nothing equivalent to continue and break in C#. Only thing that looks like that is goto which is not really a replacement. I doubt such thing will be included in future c# versions as Anders Hejlsberg seems to dislike anything that can mess with code coherency.

There is no document that says that some functionality is not implemented, so I can only refer you to another answer to such question on stackoverflow:) C# equivalent to Java's continue <label>?

Break and Continue are kind of shortcuts

I would rather use If / Else construct to format this better and make it cleaner. You can get rid of the continue statements in both the languagues. You can do the same for break by putting an additional condition in your for loops. Again this is a personal preference.


 if(code == null) continue;


if(code != null)


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