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C# Correct managed code from C++

I have to use this external functions "GetOpenedFiles" (more info to: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/shell/OpenedFileFinder.aspx ) into my C# application. I don't know as I can write a wrapper of this function:

void GetOpenedFiles(LPCWSTR lpPath, OF_TYPE Filter, OF_CALLBACK CallBackProc, UINT_PTR pUserContext);

ORIGINAL C++ CODE (OpenFilefinder.h)

enum OF_TYPE
    FILES_ONLY = 1,
    ALL_TYPES = 3

struct OF_INFO_t
    DWORD dwPID;
    LPCWSTR lpFile;
    HANDLE hFile;

typedef void (CALLBACK* OF_CALLBACK)(OF_INFO_t OpenedFileInf0, UINT_PTR uUserContext );

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void ShowOpenedFiles( LPCWSTR lpPath );
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void GetOpenedFiles( LPCWSTR lpPath, 
                                                      OF_TYPE Filter,
                                                      OF_CALLBACK CallBackProc,
                                                      UINT_PTR pUserContext );


    public enum OF_TYPE : int
        FILES_ONLY = 1,
        MODULES_ONLY = 2,
        ALL_TYPES = 3

    public struct OF_INFO_t
        ?????? dwPID;
        ?????? lpFile;
        ?????? hFile;

    [DllImport("OpenFileFinder.dll", EntryPoint = "GetOpenedFiles")]
    static extern void GetOpenedFiles(??????? lpPath, OF_TYPE filter, ????? CallBackProc, ????? pUserContext);

How can I use this dll function correctly in my C# app?


This is my latest snippet, but never invoke callback function:

namespace Open64
    class Program

        public Program()
            GetOpenedFiles("C:\\", OF_TYPE.ALL_TYPES, CallbackFunction, UIntPtr.Zero);

        //void GetOpenedFiles(LPCWSTR lpPath, OF_TYPE Filter, OF_CALLBACK CallBackProc, UINT_PTR pUserContext);

        public enum OF_TYPE : int
            FILES_ONLY = 1,
            MODULES_ONLY = 2,
            ALL_TYPES = 3

        public struct OF_INFO_t
            Int32 dwPID;
            String lpFile;
            IntPtr hFile;

        public delegate void CallbackFunctionDef(OF_INFO_t info, IntPtr context);

        [DllImport("OpenFileFinder.dll", EntryPoint = "GetOpenedFiles")]
        static extern void GetOpenedFiles(string lpPath, OF_TYPE filter, CallbackFunctionDef CallBackProc, UIntPtr pUserContext);

        public void CallbackFunction(OF_INFO_t info, IntPtr context)

        static void Main()
            new Program();


This is how you would marshal the following types:

DWORD => Int32
LPCWSTR => String
HANDLE => IntPtr
public struct OF_INFO_t
   Int32 dwPID;
   String lpFile;
   IntPtr hFile;

public delegate void CallbackFunctionDef(OF_INFO_t info, UIntPtr context);

[DllImport("OpenFileFinder.dll", EntryPoint = "GetOpenedFiles")]
static extern void GetOpenedFiles(string lpPath, OF_TYPE filter, CallbackFunctionDef CallBackProc, UIntPtr pUserContext);

EDIT: Here's the complete program

class Program
    public Program()
        GetOpenedFiles("C:\\", OF_TYPE.ALL_TYPES, CallbackFunction, UIntPtr.Zero);

    //void GetOpenedFiles(LPCWSTR lpPath, OF_TYPE Filter, OF_CALLBACK CallBackProc, UINT_PTR pUserContext);

    public enum OF_TYPE : int
        FILES_ONLY = 1,
        MODULES_ONLY = 2,
        ALL_TYPES = 3

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential,CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public struct OF_INFO_t
        public Int32 dwPID;
        public String lpFile;
        public IntPtr hFile;

    public delegate void CallbackFunctionDef(OF_INFO_t info, IntPtr context);

    [DllImport("OpenFileFinder.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "GetOpenedFiles")]
    static extern void GetOpenedFiles(string lpPath, OF_TYPE filter, CallbackFunctionDef CallBackProc, UIntPtr pUserContext);

    public void CallbackFunction(OF_INFO_t info, IntPtr context)
        //List the files

    static void Main()
        new Program();

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