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Is there a way of retrieving the type of a subclass, when an object is passed in as type super class?

If I had a method signature

public void myMethod(SuperClass s){

and SuperClass has three subclasses, is there any way within myMethod I can get the class name of the subclass which was passed in?

Not sure if it's important, but SuperClass is abstract.

is there any way within myMethod I can get the class name of the subclass which was passed in?

Yes, by using the getClass method :

public void myMethod(SuperClass s){

Remark 1:

This does however sound to me like a Bad Design™.

Whatever you want to do in myMethod consider having a method for it in SuperClass (provide a meaningful default implementation, or make it abstract to force subclasses to implement the method) and call this method on s in your method:

public void myMethod(SuperClass s){

Remark 2:

If myMethod s logic is seemingly unrelated to the purpose of the SuperClass and you don't want to put the myMethod code inside this class, consider implementing the visitor pattern instead.

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